Colloquium Recordings:

Day 1 Part 1

Day 1 Part 2

Day 2 Part 1

Day 2 Part 2

Day 3 Part 1

Day 3 Part 2

Agenda (Pacific Time)

Day One/Monday

Monday 8am/ Introduction and Welcome (Dr. Iraj Ershaghi)

  • Welcome teachers and talk about USC history of working with STEM
  • What is your definition of Energy Literacy and why is it important
  • Chevron sponsor message (Cynthia Murphy-Ortega)

Outline of how colloquium will work and key messages (Jim Crompton & Paulina Lanz)


  • Questionnaire results
  • agenda and explanation of how the colloquium will work
  • Resources and Energy Transition Talk podcast

Monday 9am/ Energy Supply and Demand (Dr. Don Paul)

  • Current state of energy supply (reference: ETT episode 3)
  • Rising energy demand (data centers in developed world)
  • Rising energy demand (heating, cooling, cooking in developing world)
  • Energy Transition or Energy Addition for Renewable Energy?

Break 30 minutes

Monday 10:30am/ Future Role of fossil fuels, where will future energy demand come from? (Trem Smith – prerecorded) (reference: ETT episode 6)

  • Energy Density & land use
  • GHG Emissions (C02 and Methane) and anthropogenic warming
  • How do we use fossil fuels in today’s economy
  • Power Generation (Electricity)
  • Transportation & Petrochemicals
  • Hard to Abate Industrial Processes (4 pillars of modern society (cement, steel, petrochemicals & plastic & fertilizers)


Monday 1pm/ Realities in Power Generation (SoCalEdison – Stephen Collins)

How are utilities planning for significant growth in demand for electricity and an increasing percentage of electricity generation coming from wind and solar (intermittent sources)? (reference: ETT episode 7)

Break 30 minutes

Monday 2:30/ Recruiting the next generation energy workforce (Mike Hauser) (reference: ETT episode 14)

  • Cultural resistance to STEM and Energy careers, impact of COVID 19
  • Industry demographics
  • Health of the High School STEM talent pipeline: graduations rates and student enrollment
Day Two/Tuesday

Tuesday 8am/ Recap first day and any late-night inspirations (Jim Crompton & Paulina Lanz)

Tuesday 8:30/ Realities in Transportation/Mobility (Dr. Beia Spiller. RFF) (reference: ETT episode 12)

  • Not just EV sales but reimaging mobility
  • EVs and rethinking mobility (public transport, 2-3 wheelers, Uber, Amazon, DoorDash)
  • Critical Minerals Supply Chain (Lithium, Copper, Rare Earth Metals. Etc.)
  • Trucks and vans, airplanes, and ships

9:30am/ Realities in Alternate Forms of Energy Supply (Dr. Jha) (reference: ETT episodes 10 & 11)

  • New forms of Geothermal Energy
  • Hydroelectric
  • Nuclear
  • Carbon Capture and Sequestration
  • Hydrogen

Break 30 minutes

Tuesday 11am/ At the End of the day, Physics and Economics win (Jim Crompton)

  • Energy density
  • Critical Minerals Supply Chain
  • Primary, Secondary, Final and End-use Energy
  • Laws of Thermodynamics
  • How can policy makers create demand in the market
  • Economics of Offshore wind
  • Slower growth of EV adoption
  • Made in America


Tuesday 1pm/ The Big Picture

(Paulina talks to Jim Crompton and Dr. Don Paul: The radical middle) (reference: ETT episode 15)

Key Messages for Energy Transition

  • Are we all aligned on the goal of the Energy Transition?
  • Big and Complex, Energy Demand still growing in a world populated by over 8 billion people and counting, the demand for energy has never been higher.
  • Electrifying everything means a lot more electricity (even data centers) Where will it come from? The Cost of going Green is a very large amount (>$100 trillion by 2050)
  • Energy Poverty & Injustice Each community has it’s own pathway, context matters!)
  • Starting point is 80% fossil fuels, tremendous increase in wind and solar in many countries has only been additive not replacement (the only energy transition has been from coal to gas fired power plants)
  • Remember power is only about 20-25% of total energy (transportation, industrial, chemicals) Methane comes from agriculture, landfills, swamps and rice fields anywhere organic material is decaying

Break 30 minutes

Tuesday 2:30pm Energy Poverty and the Realities of developing world economies and sustainable development goals (conversation between Paulina and Jim) (reference: ETT episode 8)

  • The fortunate billion versus the other 7 and maybe 9 billion) – Demographic Trends
  • Smart Cities, Smart Homes, Energy Efficiency
  • What you can do to impact energy demand
Day Three/Wednesday

8:30am/ Sustainability and Bettering Human Lives (Chris Wright, Liberty Energy) (reference: ETT episode 2)

  • What should be the goal of the Energy Transition?
  • The Cost of Going Green (Public vs Private Capital)
  • What is the market signal for decarbonization?

10:30 am key take-aways from each teacher, key message for your students this fall?

  • Each teacher should offer up their key take aways from this colloquium
  • Do you know of a student to talk at our second season podcast?