Application for Seed Funds

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Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Maximum file size: 52.43MB


Application for E-CET Seed Funds

Applications for 2024 Seed funds at a level of 50K for seed funds are due May 24th, 2024. Recipients will be notified by July 5th, 2024.

Current areas of interest include:

  1. Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
  2. Hydrogen Production, Transportation and Storage
  3. Novel geothermal systems
  4. Carbon Offsets (Measurement & Verification)
  5. Renewable Fuels and Advanced Mobility
  6. Circular Economy
  7. Energy Storage Systems & Smart Grids
  8. Blockchain or Cybersecurity Technology

Other E-CET areas include:

  • End of life asset management.

The application must include:

1-Title of the Proposed Research

2-A narrative of 500-word describing the proposed research area.

3-Purpose for applying for seed funding. Preference is given to those preparing and applying for major funding to government, corporate and foundation sponsors to continue their studies.

4-An updated CV.

5-An endorsement by the Dept. Chair.

The first and last name must show up on the application materials.